Introduction to Search Engine Marketing

Search Engine Marketing

Top of the Search Results

The principle of Search Engine Optimization (“SEO”) is generally well understood.  It is, essentially, the process of getting your website as high as possible in any search engine results.  This is important because most people, when using search engines like Google, usually choose a link from the first page of the search results.  In other words; one of the top ten search results.

Consequently, if your website is buried deep down on lower pages, the likelihood of it receiving much organic traffic is greatly decreased. So SEO is the first vital requirement that needs tackling irrespective of all other forms of online marketing that you might undertake.

Alternative to SEO

Optimizing your content and extensively promoting your website to get it near the top takes time even when you do the job properly. So an alternative is Search Engine Marketing (“SEM”) which is effectively the paid version of SEO. This way you can instantly pay your way to the top. You may need to do this where your project or sales items cannot wait for your website to climb organically to the top.

This is done by paying for display ads that appear at the top of Google searches.  The aim is to drive traffic to your website or your product landing page.  This is often referred to as Pay per Click (“PPC”).  You pay the search engine every time someone clicks on their link which takes them to your website.

Keyword Research

With around 50% of all clicks on Google and other Search Engines going to the first few results on the search page, you can certainly get a lot of hits to your website by paying for the privilege of being top of the list.

However, this may sound simple but when using PPC there is competition for the use of the favourite keywords that  people click on.  These popular keywords are used by big organisations which can make them expensive.  But with careful research less expensive niche keywords can be used to produce great results.

To find out more about how Deal Locators can help you with Search Engine Marketing, click on the link below:

Deal Locators Online Marketing

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